The Apprentice is the classic “glass cannon” hero. Most of what he does is unload damage, but he’s also very fragile and liable to draw attention. It wasn’t hard to keep that feeling, so instead we leaned into it with the Dawn of Heroes version. At the same time, we did find a couple of things to improve with how the Apprentice plays.

Dawn of Heroes Design Spotlight: The Soldier In many ways, the Soldier is the core hero. She works well because she is flexible enough to be played in a variety of ways with a party, but also strong enough to play alone. She isn’t too focused on any one thing, but that also means she’s never a bad choice to have around. The Soldier does not change much in Dawn of Heroes. That makes her a perfect hero for talking about how we can further fine-tune the things that already work well in Myth. By taking a fresh look at Myth, we can clarify many of the things that work fine but may be confusing to newer players.