Torg Eternity on Virtual Tabletops
How about as easy as possible and with help? Then our official rulesets, corebooks, and modules for virtual tabletops are just right for you and your game sessions. We now support TORG Eternity online game sessions with our digital TORG Eternity rulesets and suitable modules such as rules and adventures.
We have started with the TORG Eternity integration for Foundry VTT and Roll20, which is presented in more detail below.
What’s Next?
We are of course already working on the next modules and extensions for Foundry VTT . As soon as new content is available, they can be purchased here via our shop. We will announce the publication on our website and on our social media channels.
In addition, we are working on TORG Eternity implementations for Fantasy Grounds and other VTTs.
What is Foundry Virtual Tabletop?
Foundry VTT is a stand-alone application with many functions to help you play tabletop role-playing games online with friends. It is a self-hosted application with features to support live game sessions.
In order to use Foundry VTT , you must first purchase a paid license as Game Master. Players can easily take part in a game session via a browser, but do not need a license themselves to participate. You can find more information about Foundry VTT on the official Foundry VTT website.
Start Here
To play TORG Eternity on Foundry VTT you need is a license for the GM. The game system for TORG Eternity and the official TORG Eternity character sheet are integrated into the Foundry VTT and are freely accessible to everyone with a free install.
This covers the basic mechanics, including combat, but does not include rulebook text. We have also included a short adventure as a free module to get you started. In addition to the free rules, we will also be offering additional fee-based content, such as adventure modules, in the future. These can then be purchased through our shop when available.
Torg Eternity Basic System
Make Yourself Comfortable!
Torg Eternity Modules
Get started with the Torg Eternity Core Rules!
Inside you will find:
• Everything you need to create powerful heroes from any of the cosms, including Core Earth!
• Rules for cinematic combat, thrilling chases, and traversing shifting realities.
• The history of the first 90 days of the Possibility Wars, and maps of the current situation.
• Details for all seven invading cosms, each with its own unique flavor and foes.
This Quickstart is intended as a one hour introduction to the concepts and rules of Torg Eternity. It’s designed to walk both the GM and the players through the rules together, adding layers as it goes. This gives a general feel for gameplay, but there are many more character options and realms to explore in the full game!
With Hostel Takeover you get a free one-shot adventure created by Torg Eternity designer Darrell Hayhurst, originally published in Delphi Missions: Rising Storm
Quickstarter “Up the Creek” for free
Location: Briefing room aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
Three months ago the world as we knew it changed. Strange bridges descended from the sky in various places around the planet, and where they landed reality itself bent and changed. Invaders crossed the bridges and now they’re turning Earth into something else, piece by piece. The clash of realities creates storms, and a few special people are changed by the storm. They become heroes, the best version of themselves from this or an alternate reality. You and those seated in this room are some of those people.
What is Torg Eternity? Have look with our new and totally free module Up the Creek!
Inside you will find:
More Torg Eternity Modules
Venture into the Living Land!
The Nile Empire continues the Possibility War started in Torg Eternity. Storm Knights rise to battle High Lord Mobius and his invading legions of shocktroopers. These supplements help you continue and expand your table-top role-playing game experience in the evolving world of Torg Eternity.
Plus, as a bonus, this release includes all 16 archetypes that were released with the GM screen and the contents from the Secrets of the Nile Empire pdf!
The Aysle source module for Torg Eternity on Foundry VTT includes:
Plus, as a bonus, this release includes all 16 archetypes that were released with the GM screen and the contents from the Secrets of the Dread Covenant pdf!
The Cyberpontifikat source module for Torg Eternity on Foundry VTT includes:
Plus, as a bonus, this release includes all 16 archetypes that were released with the GM screen and the contents from the PDFs Secrets of the Cyberchurch and Secrets of the Resistance!
Unlock the drama and embrace your destiny with these special decks for use with Torg Eternity. Drama cards control the initiative and pacing of the game, and trigger special events during encounters, chases, or important tasks. Destiny cards allow the heroes to bend reality and perform extraordinary feats! Cosm cards reinforce the World Laws of a realm and provide an opportunity for rewards…and danger!
Frequently Asked Questions
To Install the free game system:
1. Once you have Foundry VTT installed click “Game Systems” on the main screen.
2. Click the “Install System” button on the bottom left of the window.
3. In the text box “Package Name” enter “Torg”
4. Click the “Install” button
5. It will ask if you want to Install Package Dependencies, click “Yes”
Once the rules and modules and loaded you can create a game:
1. On the main page click “Game Worlds
2. Click “Create World”
3. Fill out the form
a. World Title: Whatever name you want
b. Data path: same as your world title, with “-” instead of spaces, no special characters.
c. Game System: select Torg Eternity
d. Skip Background Image and Next Session for now
e. World Description: Add text for players to read as an intro to the world.
f. Click Create World
4. You should now see the World. Click Launch World.
5. Click Select Player under Join Game Session
a. Select Gamemaster
b. Click the “Join Game Session” button
Go to theFoundry Virtual Table Top website. Login to your account. Open the account profile (click the top right of your name). Select “Premium Content” and enter the key provided by Ulisses. You can then install the module in your Foundry VTT installation using the module browser .
Foundry VTT does not update itself or your modules automatically. Please make sure that you have updated all modules and the system to the latest version. This will help in many cases.
Of course you have the ability to create your own elements in Torg Eternity with Foundry VTT . To do this, you need a little more knowledge of the rules of Torg Eternity and some practice in dealing with Foundry VTT.