The first volume of the Theater Knights adventure series, The White Lake, is now available at DriveThruRPG and! We are steadily working on the second installment in this six-part series, titled The Blue Tome. This adventure contains one of my personal favorite pieces by art director Nadine Schäkel, but I can't tell you which one because of spoilers. However, there are a few parts of the adventure that we can share, so here's a preview of one of those pages:

For the past few months, we have been gradually bringing you up to speed on the development side of Torg Eternity – introducing many of the rules and setting updates and sparking some great discussions on our forums and Facebook pages. We can see the excitement building, and of course many of you just want to know when this game will be available. It’s time to take you into the Near Now of what’s coming for Torg.