If you read our first card preview, the Bandit Thief, you may have noticed some cryptic text towards the bottom and wondered, "What is this hourglass thing doing here?" That hourglass is a Time Counter, and it's part of the mechanic that makes Adventure Mode combat challenging but also flexible. To explain more, we're going to talk about the Time Scale cards. wildensteindifficultycards_page_1

(This article contains mild spoilers for one of the adventures in the Aventuria base set.) The Adventure Mode in the Aventuria Card Game has two phases. First, there is the story, in which the text of the adventure is read and the heroes face skill challenges that can improve or worsen their overall position on the way to the final conflict. A typical adventure chapter has about 3 to 4 skill challenges during this phase. Then comes the combat, in which the heroes fight against a combination of Leaders and Henchmen. The abilities of the Leader and the specific Henchman drawn provide quite a bit of variety in the combat experience, but there is usually even more going on.

All tabletop wargamers know that a game can be won or lost on initiative. If anything, this becomes more true with smaller numbers of units, so initiative is critical to the flow of a skirmish game. Conan: Rise of Monsters is built with an eye towards making initiative more than just a random chance. It's a gameable mechanic that will need to be part of your overall strategy if you want to be effective.

The whirlwind of chaos is beginning to subside, and we are working on catching up on all the things we have to do for our many projects (and yes, our first priority is making sure all the backer rewards are shipped). It was fantastic having members of the German and North American teams get together! I can't even describe how much I learned about Aventuria just listening to Nico talk to customers. He's an absolute treasure. It was also wonderful meeting so many people and getting them excited about our various products! The response on everything has been overwhelmingly positive. While we were there, we heard many questions more than once, and there were a few new pieces of information that we decided or discovered along the way, so it makes sense for us to do a wrap-up post covering some of the most important items: