Aventuria 2.0 – Crowdfunding starts on 28th of January!

The crowdfunding for Aventuria 2.0 starts in January! In the new edition, you can expect a huge campaign box for the whole group and a solo box for an epic adventure for your hero. You can also look forward to hero sets with additional hero decks and side quests for your campaigns.
The time has come on January 28th, so register now to make sure you don’t miss the launch:

Our work on Aventuria 2.0 began in spring 2021, directly after our Stories & Legends crowdfunding. There we introduced the story mode for the first time, where players could move from station to station during the narrative part and influence the course of the adventure with their decisions. Another important expansion was the legend mode, where players could improve their hero decks with matching cards.

The story mode and the legend mode were so well received by ourselves and by the fans that we decided to design every adventure for the story mode and every hero for the legend mode from then on. In addition, the then current basic box version 1.3 had just sold out, so it made sense to integrate the story mode and legend mode directly into the new print run. This is how the “Aventuria 1.4” project began.

That was three and a half years ago. A mountain of obstacles that we couldn’t do anything about meant that the project dragged on and on. But on the other hand, it also gave us the time to forge the sword, smash it, forge a new sword from it, smash it again and forge it anew, and so on, so that we now have a really sharp sword in our hands. For thus said Nostria Thamos:

“If sharpness foams from seven bowls, no terror can match it.”

At some point in the meantime, we realised that this is no longer version 1.4, but a real second edition. And what we have improved in the game in addition to the integration of the story and legend mode, you will find out in this blog in the coming weeks.

To keep up to date, sign up to our newsletter now:


With fantastic regards

Christian Lonsing